
In the present paper, a net effective gain of multi -pumping Raman amplifier in ultra-wavelength division multiplexin g (UW-WDM) and ultra long-haul (ULH) optical communication systems has been modeled and parametrically investigated over wide ranges of affecting parameters, taking into account the polarization effect. NR pum ps are processed with or without equal spectral spacing. The effective fi ber core area, the gain coefficients and the amplified spontaneous emission power ASE (as a measure of the minimum detectable power) are calcul ated over the operating wavelength. The above three quantities ar e cast in simple polynomial forms. The average net Raman gain, the o n-off Raman gain, the signal-to-noise ratio at the effective length has been investigated also. The obtained results are employed to find the avera ge repeater spacing over the spectral range under the processing. It is concluded that for repeater spacing, the total injected Raman powers athe vital factor rather than the number of amplifiers, while for the gain spectral width, the number of amplifiers is the vital factor. The centr al wavelength of the subset of channels that propagates in a link indica tes the order of link. The total number of links in the core determines th e ultimate values of different effects.

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