
In this study, dissemination of forelimb’s nerves of the porcupine (Hystrix cristata) was investigated. Four porcupines (two males and two females) were used and nerves originating from brachial their plexus were dissected. Origin and dissemination of forelimb’s nerves orginated from brachial plexus constituted from cranial and caudal trunks were examined. Suprascapular nerve and the first branch of subscapular nerve orginated from cranial and caudal part of cranial trunk, respectively. Nerves orginated from caudal trunk, pectoral cranial nerves, constituted four branches spreading in pectoral muscles. Musculocutenoeus nerve gives a branche to brachial muscle and, after giving medial cutaneus antebrachii nerve was divided to two branches (digital dorsal commun I and II nerve). Axillary nerve gives a branche to subscapular muscle and ends as cranial cutaneous antebrachii. Radial nerve separated to branches as ramus profundus and ramus superficial which also was divided to digital dorsal commun III and IV nerve and lateral cutaneus antebrachial nerve. Thoracodorsal nerve spreaded to latismus dorsi muscle. Median nerve was divided to digital dorsal commun I, II, III and IV nerve. Ulnar nerve was divided to digital dorsal commun V and digital dorsal commun V nerve after giving caudal cutaneous antebrachi. An undefined nerve branche orginated from caudal trunk entered corachobrachial muscle and biceps brachii muscle. Lateral thoracic and caudal pectoral nerves orginated from caudal trunk. In the porcupine, branche which goes to corachobrachial muscle directly from caudal trunk of the brachial plexus and distrubutions of musculocutaneous, radial, ulnar and median nerves were different from rodantia and other mammals.

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