
Objectives: To compare the effect of Neostigmine as an Adjunct to 0.5%Lignocaine for increasing the duration of anesthesia and analgesia. Study Design: Randomizedcontrolled trial. Setting: Department of Anesthesiology, Nishtar Hospital, Multan. Period: January20014 to January 2015. Material and Methods: One hundred (100) patients were selected forthis study. Microsoft Excel 2013 was used for data analysis. Frequacy and percentage wereused to present categorical varibales and mean+standard deviation for numerical variables.Results: There was a rapid onset of Sensory and motor blocks in neostigmine group, 3.9+2.5minutes for sensory block and 5.8+2.3 minutes for motor block versus 9.3+2.2 minutes and13.3+2.0 minutes respectively in control group. The time of recovery of sensory and motorblocks was delayed in neostigmine group as compared to the control group patients. Thesurgeons agreed that the anesthesia was perfect in 46 (92.0%) cases in neostigmine groupand in control group IVRA declared to be perfect in only 34 (68.0%) cases. Dryness of operativefield was same between the two groups. Conclusion: The addition of neostigmine in lignocainesolution for intravenous regional anesthesia improves the quality of anesthesia and analgesia.

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