
Objective: determine the neonatal outcome in patients with meconium stained liquor. Setting: Gynaecology Deptt, Unit-III, Jinnah Hospital, Lahore. Methodology: In this study we included a total of 150 cases with singleton pregnancy (on USG), Cephalic presentation (on USG), Gestational age 37 completed weeks to 42 weeks (calculated from LMP) with meconium stained liquor observed during labour by the attending doctor whereas those with breech presentation, they were excluded by clinical examination and ultrasound, Still birth, they were excluded by ultrasound, and Congenital fetal anomalies, they were excluded by ultrasound. Complete abdominal pelvic examination was done. The subjects were followed till delivery and neonatal outcome i.e. birth asphyxia & meconium aspiration syndrome by the researcher herself. Results: In our study, most of the patients i.e. 64.67%(n=97) were between 18-30 years of age range, mean age was 27.93+4.82 yrs while frequency of neonatal outcome in patients with meconium stained liquor reveals as 2.67%(n=4) having Birth asphyxia while 34.67%(n=52) had Meconium aspiration syndrome. Conclusion: The frequency of meconium aspiration syndrome(MAS) is higher among patients with meconium stained liquor. Keywords: Meconium stained liquor, neonatal outcome, birth asphyxia, meconium aspiration syndrome, frequency.

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