
Biotypes of the Neotyphodium coenophialum-tall fescue grass symbiota are provided with enhanced protection from grazing vertebrate herbivores due to the production of toxic secondary metabolites. However, considerable controversy exists concerning this symbiotum and its toxicity to nematode species. A sterile in vitro system was developed to determine the interactive nature of known toxins specific to this mutualistic association and compounds within grass extracts known to be nematotoxic. The in vitro assay used Pratylenchus scribneri, the lesion nematode, as the target organism to determine the interactive nature of ergot alkaloids, the pyrrolizidine alkaloid (the lolines), total phenolic fractions, and specific phenolic compounds. The in vitro assay is described along with methods for testing toxicity. The results indicate that only two of three ergot alkaloids were toxic to P. scribneri, and there were possible potentiating or synergistic effects with other alkaloids and water soluble polyphenolics. HPLC analysis and UV mass spectrometry of root extracts revealed the presence of two major polyphenolics, chlorogenic and di-caffeoylquinic acids, both of which are natural constituents of this and other plants and have known toxicity to several species of nematodes. Further, it was determined that there were quantitative differences between the total phenolic and specific phenolic contents in roots of endophyte infected and noninfected tall fescue, cultivar Jesup. This in vitro assay offers a rapid and routine screen for acute testing chemical components of the tall fescue-endophyte symbiotum for toxicity to this nematode species. Keywords: Chlorogenic acid, di-caffeoylquinic acids, ergot alkaloid, lolines, nematode, polyphenolics, Pratylenchus scribneri, pyrrolizidine alkaloid

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