
Definition of health cannot be oversimplified. Understanding about health status of individuals should not be solely based on physiologic parameters examined in the resting state and comparing individual-specific health data with any established/obsolete statistical average because this approach could mislead people to anticipate better health without essential lifestyle interventions and modifications. Are we health-educating unhealthy people to curb their disease by adapting the lifestyle of healthy people? A healthy person could be abstaining from toxic substances, exercising regularly, consuming nutritious foods, sleeping adequately, reproducing naturally, excelling in sports, practicing spirituality, resisting disease developments/progressions, falling sick rarely every year, recuperating much faster even falls sick, ageing at slower pace and living longer. There is no miraculous medicine or therapy that could afford complete cure from the diseases unless unhealthy individuals incline to learn and adapt a healthy lifestyle. Unhealthy individuals, in this context, are those who have knowingly sabotaged their health despite being aware of the hazards of sedentariness, unstructured lifestyle, malnourishment, stress and ingesting toxic substances. Unhealthy people should not assume that they would return to health and sustain better health without comparing themselves with the qualities of healthy individuals. For instance, low back aches of people who cannot even activate their Erector Spinae to bend forward correctly are not the same as people who can bend forward correctly activating strong Erector Spinae while exercising with barbell or dumbbell. Of course, it may not be entirely possible to revitalize the chronically-diseased individuals but at least some of the health guidelines formulated on the basis of lifestyle of healthy individuals should be incorporated in the treatments and rehabilitations. The difference between healthy and unhealthy people is extremely vast which we have not yet acknowledged scientifically. Superior health-fitness excellence of healthy individuals is an expression of high epigenetic efficiency to favor Morbidity-Attenuated Life Years (MALYs). In contrast, Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) could be associated with different degrees of epigenetic inefficiency or epigenetic dysfunctions. MALYs belong to healthy persons and DALYs belong to unhealthy persons. DALYs are characterized by almost predictable disease/disability events but MALYs have been mysterious. The mysteries of MALYs can be solved by developing an exclusive health care model for healthy individuals and it would remain unsolved without the inclusion of Physiotherapists, Exercise Professionals and Dieticians. KEY WORDS: Epigenetics, Exercise Tolerance, Health, DALYs, Spiritual intelligence, Fitness, Functional status, Aging, Physical Activity, Lifestyle, Sedentary, Co-morbidities, Kinanthropometry, Salutogenesis.

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