
Abstract Carbon capture and storage by mineralization is a potential method for storing anthropogenic CO 2 emissions, and is based on the reaction between Mg silicate and CO 2 to form Mg carbonate. The conglomerates of the Barzaman Formation exposed in the eastern United Arab Emirates represent an excellent natural analogue of this process. These conglomerates were deposited as a series of alluvial fans along the western margin of the Hajar Mountains, part of the Oman-UAE Ophiolite, and are composed largely of ultramafic and lesser-mafic clasts. The clasts and matrix have been extensively altered to dolomite during diagenetic processes. Analysis and interpretation of rock textures provide evidence for the various factors that influenced the diagenetic processes and shed light on the silicate–carbonate transformation process. All the reactions have taken place in the near-surface environment; the silicate–carbonate conversion reaction is exothermic and occurs spontaneously at near-ambient pressure and temperature, probably no greater than 50 °C. Estimates of the amount of CO 2 stored in this way can be obtained from considerations of outcrop area, formation thickness and percentage of dolomite replacement, and show that c. 150 billion tonnes (equivalent to about 4 years of worldwide CO 2 emissions at current rates) are stored.

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