
N-cadherin formed punctate adherens junctions (AJ) along the borders between vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in the pressurized rat superior cerebellar artery. The formation of N-cadherin AJs in the vessel wall depends on the intraluminal pressure and was responsive to treatment with phenylephrine (PE) (10-5 m) and ACh (10-5 m). N-cadherin-coated beads were able to induce clustering of N-cadherin-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) on the plasma membrane of isolated VSMCs, whereas treatment with PE (10-5 m) or sodium nitroprusside (10-5 m) induced a significant increase or decrease in the N-cadherin-EGFP clustering, respectively. Application of pulling force (∼1nN) to the N-cadherin-coated beads via an atomic force microscope induced a localized mechanical response from the VSMCs that opposed the pulling. N-cadherin is the major cell-cell adhesion molecule in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). We tested the hypothesis that N-cadherin is part of a novel mechanosensory mechanism in VSMCs and plays an active role in both the arteriolar myogenic response and during changes in vascular tone induced by vasomotor agonists. Intact and pressurized rat superior cerebellar arteries were labelled for confocal immunofluorescence imaging. N-cadherin formed punctate adherens junctions (AJ) along the borders between VSMCs. When the lumen pressure was raised from 50 to 90mmHg, both the density and the average size of N-cadherin AJs increased significantly. Similarly, arteriolar constriction with phenylephrine (PE) (10-5 m) induced a significant increase of N-cadherin AJ density at 50mmHg, whereas vasodilatation induced by ACh (10-5 m) was accompanied by a significant decrease in density and size of N-cadherin AJs. An atomic force microscope (AFM) was employed to further examine the mechano-responsive properties of N-cadherin adhesion sites in isolated VSMCs. AFM probes with an attached N-cadherin-coated microbead (5μm) induced a progressive clustering of N-cadherin-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) on the VSMC surface. Application of pulling force (∼1nN) to the N-cadherin-coated-beads with the AFM induced a localized mechanical response from the VSMCs that opposed the pulling. Treatment with PE (10-5 m) or sodium nitroprusside (10-5 m) induced a significant increase or decrease of the N-cadherin-EGFP clustering, respectively. These observations provide compelling evidence that N-cadherin AJs are sensitive to pressure and vasomotor agonists in VSMCs and support a functional role of N-cadherin AJs in vasomotor regulation.

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