
Total heavy metal concentrations [cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper(Cu), iron (Fe), mangnese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn)]were determined in surface soil samples from Port Macquarie, New South Wales,Australia. Composite topsoil samples (0–10 cm depth) had mean values(per kg) of 13 mg Co, 1020 mg Cr, 59 mg Cu, 136·7 g Fe, 719 mg Mn, 149mg Ni, 20 mg Pb, and 47 mg Zn. The topsoils were generally characterised by alow pH (3·8–5·2) and a mineralogy dominated by haematite,magnetite, quartz, and kaolinite. Chromium was predominantly present in thetopsoils as Cr3+ in microcrystalline chromite(FeCr2O4) and, to a lesser degree,in kaolinite and haematite. Differences in Cr soil concentrations with depthwere due to variations in the relative abundance of the various soilcomponents, rather than Cr3+ mobility within the soilprofile. The elevated heavy metal concentrations are the result of soildevelopment over metal-rich bedrock (serpentinite matrix melange) andassociated enrichment of relatively immobile elements (Cr, Fe, Ni) in theresidual soil profile. The ANZECC and NH&MRC (Australian and New ZealandEnvironment and Conservation Council and National Health & MedicalResearch Council) environmental investigation limits were exceeded for100% of the sample sites for Cr, 47% for Cu, 61% for Mn,and 58% for Ni.

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