
Nano-structured calcium silicate hydrate can physisorb or chemisorb iodine, making it interesting for medical or materials science applications, where a slow, controlled release of iodine is desired. It was found that iodine can be sorbed and released by applying the elemental halogen in solution, either as a gas or as a solid. At ambient temperatures the sorption and desorption process is quantitative and physical, meaning that the same amount of iodine is taken up and released. At temperatures above 32.5 °C (305.7 K) iodine reacts with the calcium silicate hydrate forming a complex, which is stable above the sublimation temperature of iodine. The formation energy for the iodine calcium silicate hydrate complex was established to be 41.8 ± 0.8 kJ mol −1 by calorimetry and the nature of the complex was investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.

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