
In 2017, the revised 4 th edition of the classification of tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues developed by the World Health Organization was introduced. Some of the significant changes concern the updating of data covering biology, pathomorphology, genetics and clinical features of aggressive lymphomas from mature B cells. New entities have been introduced (high grade B-cell lymphoma and Burkitt-like lymphoma with 11q aberration), some of existing ones have beenmodified (EBV-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified) and some provisional ddefinitions (unclassified B-cell lymphoma, with intermediate features between diffuse B-cell lymphoma and classic Hodgkin’s lymphoma) have been retained. Significant progress in the field of molecular biology techniques and genetics translates into their practical use in the routine diagnosis of lymphomas. Currently, the correct diagnosis of high-grade B-cell lymphoma in addition to pathomorphological and immunohistochemical diagnosis requires the determination of status C-MYC , BCL2 and BCL6 genes. This is a significant challenge for the reorganization of routine diagnostics. This is influenced by limited availability of standardized molecular/genetic techniques and determination of funding for these studies. The most important factor still remaining is the involvement of a specialized team of doctors and technicians ensuring adequate collection, protection of biological material and its development by various techniques, which translates into the possibility of issuing a full result including proper diagnosis.

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