
Objectives: The source of the N30 potential in the median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) has been previously attributed to a pre-central origin (motor cortex or the supplementary motor area, SMA) or a post-central located generator (somatosensory cortex). This attribution was made from results of lesion studies, the behavior of the potential under pathological conditions, and dipole source localization within spherical volume conductor models.Methods: The present study applied dipole source localization and current density reconstruction within individual realistically shaped head models to median nerve SEPs obtained during explorative finger movements.Results: The SEPs associated with movement of the stimulated hand showed a minor reduction of the N20 amplitude and a markedly reduced amplitude for the frontal N30 and parietal P27, exhibiting a residual frontal negativity around 25 ms. The brain-stem P14 remained unchanged. Mapping of the different SEPs (movement of the non-stimulated hand minus movement of the stimulated hand) showed a bipolar field pattern with a maximum around 30 ms post-stimulus. In eight out of ten normal subjects, both the N30 and the gN30 (subtraction data) sources resided within the pre-central gyrus, more medially than the post-centrally located N20. Two subjects, in contrast, showed rather post-centrally localized sources in this time range. A model of the cortical SEP sources is introduced, explaining the data with respect to previously described findings of dipole localization, and from lesion studies and the alterations seen in motor diseases.Conclusions: The results provide evidence for a pre-central N30 generator, predominantly tangentially oriented, located within the motor cortex, while no sources were detected elsewhere. It is suggested that the mechanisms underlying the ‘gating’ effect during explorative finger movements in the 30 ms time range predominantly arise in the motor cortex.

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