
<b>A Contrasting View on Bilingual Dictionaries in South Africa and Japan</b>Both dictionaries that combine Afrikaans and African languages and dictionaries that combine Japanese and Western languages incorporate unrelated languages. In this respect lexicographers in Japan and South Africa have the potential for fruitful cooperation. Nevertheless, major differences between bilingual dictionaries in South Africa and Japan came to the fore during the transforming of the <i>Afrikaans/Zoeloe-woordeboek</i> (<i>Afrikaans / Zulu Dictionary</i>) of Kotzé and Wela into an Afrikaans-Japanese dictionary. Differences in microstructure include the use of phonetic transcriptions, indication of the distinction between transitive and intransitive verbs, the ordering of example-sentences and the use of certain symbols as aids. The difference in social context is reflected in the choice of sensitive lexical items and the size of the dictionaries. These differences had to be accounted for in the remaking.The remaking of existing dictionaries is an approved method in Japanese lexicography and there are some historical examples of this practice. However, this does not merely entail a shift of target language but also adapting the structure of the dictionary to the conventional format acceptable to the users (in this case Japanese speakers). Bilingual dictionaries in South Africa that fall under the same typological category as the Afrikaans-Japanese dictionary (in treating genealogically unrelated languages) can benefit from the comparison made in this article.<b>Keywords:</b> abusive lexical items, afrikaans, bilingual dictionary, example-sentences, japanese, labelling, learner's dictionary, macrostructure, microstructure, ostensive dictionary, phonetic transcription, transculturalisation, transitivity, translation equivalent


  • A Contrasting View on Bilingual Dictionaries in South Africa and Japan. Both dictionaries that combine Afrikaans and African languages and dictionaries that combine Japanese and Western languages incorporate unrelated languages. In this respect lexicographers in Japan and South Africa have the potential for fruitful cooperation

  • Major differences between bilingual dictionaries in South Africa and Japan came to the fore during the transfonning of the A/rikJllJnstzoeloe-woordeboek (A/rikJllJnstzulu Dictionary) of Kotz~ and Wela into an Afrikaans-Japanese dictionary

  • Differences in microstructure include the use of phonetic transcriptions, indication of the distinction between transitive and intransitive verbs, the ordering of example-sentences and the use of certain symbols as aids

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Twee genealogies onverwante tale

Tweetalige woordeboeke kan ten opsigte van die behandelde tale onder andere in twee tipes onderskei word, te wete woordeboeke wat tale van dieselfde taalfamilie kombineer en woordeboeke waarin tale van verskillende taalfamilies figureer. Gevolglik is die merendeel van die tweetalige woordeboeke wat in Japan gepubliseer word, die wat Japannees en Westerse tale kombineer, tale wat geen onderlinge genealogiese of tipologiese verwantskap vertoon nie. Die Verenigde State van Amerika publiseer baie woordeboeke wat Engels met tale van inheemse Amerikaners of met tale in die Stille Oseaan kombineer. Gewoonlik nie self ander tale aanleer nie, en beoog eerder die onderrig van Engels aan ander.) As 'n woordeboek eers klaar opgestel is, glo die navorsers dat die taal gered is, en die woordeboek sal in die meeste gevalle nie gereeld hersien word vir In verbeterde uitgawe nie. In die lig van bogenoemde oorwegings, medewerkers nie in Europa of in die Verenigde State van Amerika nie, maar in Suid-Afrika vind

In Ahikaans-Japannese woordeboek
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