
Spatial and temporal regulation of chondrocyte maturation in the growth plate drives growth of many bones. One essential event to generate the ordered cell array characterizing growth plate cartilage is the formation of chondrocyte columns in the proliferative zone via 90-degree rotation of daughter cells to align with the long axis of the bone. Previous studies have suggested crucial roles for cadherins and integrin β1 in column formation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relative contributions of cadherin- and integrin-mediated cell adhesion in column formation. Here we present new mechanistic insights generated by application of live time-lapse confocal microscopy of cranial base explant cultures, robust genetic mouse models, and new quantitative methods to analyze cell behavior. We show that conditional deletion of either the cell-cell adhesion molecule Cdh2 or the cell-matrix adhesion molecule Itgb1 disrupts column formation. Compound mutants were used to determine a potential reciprocal regulatory interaction between the two adhesion surfaces and identified that defective chondrocyte rotation in a N-cadherin mutant was restored by a heterozygous loss of integrin β1. Our results support a model for which integrin β1, and not N-cadherin, drives chondrocyte rotation and for which N-cadherin is a potential negative regulator of integrin β1 function.

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