
传统图像编码方法一般已成定式,发展潜力不大。分形图像编码方法思想新颖,是极具发展潜力的压缩方法,但分形编码存在编码耗时过长的缺点。本文基于分形编码思想,从编码时间、压缩比以及解压效果三个方面对Jacquin基本分形编码方法进行研究和改进,提出一种改进的分形图像编码方法。通过对多幅图像进行实验,本文的改进方法在图像压缩时间、压缩比以及峰值信噪比PSNR值上均有提高。 The traditional image coding method has become the general format; development potential is not great. The method of fractal image coding compression method is a novel idea; it has great potential for development. Based on the theory of fractal coding and from coding time, compression ratio and the decompression effect three aspects, we make research and improvement on Jacquin’s basic fractal coding method, and propose an improved fractal image coding method. Experimental results show that compared to the Jacquin’s basic fractal coding method, the method in this paper is improved on the image compression time, compression ratio and peak signal to noise ratio.

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