
农田土壤重金属污染不仅直接影响农作物质量,而且会通过食物链进入人体产生富集,威胁人体健康,研究农田土壤重金属污染现状及修复技术对农产品安全具有重要意义。本文综述了国内外广泛使用的农田重金属污染修复技术及其优缺点,提出联合修复技术必须朝着绿色和环境友好的方向发展。针对当前中国人多地少的现状,开发经济实用的联合修复技术(如微生物-油料作物联合修复技术)是当下需要迫切解决的问题。最后在已有研究的基础上,提出联合修复技术应朝着工程应用化的方向发展,深入探索联合修复的相互作用机理,以期为农田重金属污染的综合治理与修复技术提供科学参考。 Heavy metal pollution of agricultural soil not only directly affects the quality of crops, but also their accumulation throughout the food chain leads to serious health problem. The status of heavy metal pollution remediation technology is of great significance to the safety of agricultural products. This paper reviews the research progress and advantages and disadvantages of heavy metal remediation technologies widely used at home and abroad. Joint remediation technology must be developed in the direction of the green and environmental friendly. In view of the current Chinese land development situation, economic and practical remediation (such as microbial remediation of oil crops) is an urgent problem that should be solved. As the above concluded, joint repair technology should be applied in the direction of engineering application, and deeply explored the interaction mechanism, in order to provide scientific reference for the comprehensive treatment and remediation technology of heavy metal pollution in agricultural soil.

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