
Two-dimensional electrical surveys were conducted on four lines at the Hamaichi site and one line at the Ushiami site, Naruse, Miyagi Prefecture, where large-scale liquefaction of ground was caused by the Miyagi-ken Oki and the Miyagi-ken Hokubu Earthquakes of 2003. The purpose of the surveys was to investigate the resistivity structures and define the depth to the boundary between a reclaimed layer and natural sediments on which liquefaction mainly occurred. The electrical data were collected using the dipole-dipole and Wenner arrays and were applied to two-dimensional inversion for each line. The analyzed resistivity structures were consistent with the geologic structures estimated from geology data and nearby investigation well data. Because the reclaimed layer consists of clay-rich pit sands and its resistivity is low as compared with the resistivity of natural sediments below it, the depth to the boundary, that is the liquefaction region, can be recognized clearly in the resistivity structures. The boundary is shallow at sand boils and deep in collapse zones formed by liquefaction.

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