
A 59-year-old woman presented with a 20 years history of a mass on her scalp. The lesion had become larger and bled intermittently over the last year. On physical examination a polypoid tumor measuring 1.51.5cm was located on the scalp without palpable lymph nodes or signs of metastasis. Histologic examination of the lesion with hematoxylin and eosin staining showed a basal cell carcinoma with a adenoid differentiation. The tumor was excised, and the patient has had no recurrence or metastasis after two years. Polypoid basal cell carcinoma differs clinically from other variants of basal cell carcinoma in that it is polypoid and has a stalk that connects it to the skin surface. Histologically, it is also distinguished by restriction of the tumor aggregations to the polypoid mass.

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