
我国新《民事诉讼法》的颁布,使得作为新诉讼类型的环境公益诉讼和消费者权益保护公益诉讼在法律上正式确立下来。一直以来,学者对于这两类诉讼的模式、当事人(主要是原告资格或称起诉主体)的研究深入而且相当广泛,但法律实施前后,研究的着眼点、目标设定、研究方法等各类可能的当事人主体方面出现明显差异,兼之法律规定不甚详细、细化规则尚未出台,又使得在该方面制度的构建上有着广阔的讨论空间。时至今日,学者对两类公益诉讼的具体模式构建及当事人资格的争鸣中尚未形成一致意见。作者对其中较有影响的研究及观点加以梳理和评述,借此反映学术界及实务界对公益诉讼模式尤其是诉讼当事人的大体看法与认识,以期对我国相关制度的具体建设有所裨益。 The promulgation of the new “Civil Law” makes the environmental public interest litigation and public interest litigation in the consumer protection law formally be defined as a new type of liti-gation. All along, scholars’ researches on the pattern of these two types of litigation and the parties (mainly called the plaintiff bodies or the prosecution qualifications) are deep and quite extensive. But before and after the law enforcement, research focus, goal setting, and other types of research methods might appear obviously different, and less detailed legal provisions and rules have been introduced, so as to make building systems in this regard have wide spaces for discussion. Till today, scholars hold different opinions on specific model construction of the two types of public interest litigation and the parties’ qualification. Through sorting and reviewing the influential studies and opinions of scholars, the view and understanding of the public interest litigation mode, especially the parties in academia and practical circle are reflected, in order to benefit the relevant system construction in our country.

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