
干旱区戈壁地红枣建园的方法,能够适应干旱区戈壁地PH值6.5~8.5的戈壁地作为造林地,选择酸枣、喀什园枣作砧木,优良红枣品种灰枣、骏枣、哈密大枣、金昌一号、冬枣作接穗进行嫁接。对坚硬易渗漏的贫瘠戈壁地,采取先用机械按种植行4米开沟,上口宽40~50厘米,深30~40厘米的沟,然后在沟底施5~10 cm厚的腐熟农家肥,在肥上覆盖20 cm的细沙土并整平。播种时用机械在整平的细沙土上一次完成拉滴灌带、铺地膜、膜上每隔50 cm打孔下种。出苗后加强对酸枣苗的管理。第二年嫁接优良品种红枣的接穗。实施节水滴灌,年用水量400~450 m3,同时每年随水耦合施肥3~4次,每次15~20 kg;每年每667 m2施腐熟过的有机肥料3~5吨。对幼林进行合理修剪和病虫害防治等环节的田间管理。使亘古荒原戈壁成为优质红枣果园基地。 The method for constructing jujube orchard in arid Gobi area is suitable for Gobi land with pH value of 6.5~8.5 in arid Gobi area as the afforestation land, and selects wild jujube and Kashi Garden Jujube as the stock and improved varieties of Huizao Jujube, Junzao Jujube, Hami Jujube, Jinchang No. 1 Jujube and Winter Jujube as the scions for graft. Meeting hard, easy-infiltration poor Gobi soil, machine can be used to trench by 4 m planting row, with the upper mouth 40~50 cm wide and the depth of 30~40 cm. To the trench bottom, 5~10 cm-thick thoroughly decomposed farm manure should be applied; on the manure, 20 cm-thick fine sandy soil should be laid and leveled. When seeding, relevant machine should be used to complete works of making drip irrigation belt, laying mulch film and punching a hole every 50 cm for seeding in one operation. After germination, works should be done to enhance management of wild jujube seedling, for grating the scion of improved-variety jujube next year. In the process, water-saving drip irrigation should be carried out, with annual water consumption of 400~450 m3, accompanied with 3~4 applications of fertilizers by 15~20 kg per application and application of 3~5 t thoroughly decomposed organic fertilizer per 667 m2 every year. During the growing, field management of links such as reasonably trimming of young forest and prevention of plant diseases and insect pests should be carried out, so as to make Gobi area from time immemorial become quality jujube orchard base.

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