
Hideaki IwAHoRi* and Kazuyoshi FUTAI*The callus tissues of susceptible (Pinus parviflora) and resistant species of pine (P .taeda) were inoculated with each of two isolates of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(pathogenic and nonpathogenic) and one isolate of B. mucronatus (nonpathogenic) .Changes in the amount of malondialdehyde (MDA) , as an index of lipid peroxidation ,and that of exuded ion were measured. On the callus tissue of P . parviflora, the amountof MDA increased only when a pathogenic nematode was inoculated , whereas on thecallus tissue of P. taeda, the amount increased with the infection of any of the threeisolates irrespective of its pathogenicity. Thus the callus tissues of P. parvifloraresponded in accordance with the pathogenicity of nematodes while that of P . taeda didnot. Ion exudation from the callus tissue of P. taeda paralleled the pathogenicity ofnematode isolate, whilst that from P. parviflora calli as almost the same with each ofthree isolates. Populations of each nematode isolate grew well on both species of pinecallus tissues. However, on the callus tissue of P . parviflora, the rate of populationincrease until day six was far greater in the pathogenic isolate than nonpathogenicones. In contrast, the rate on the callus tissue of P. taeda was almost the same amongthree isolates. Jpn.J.Nematol. 23: 79-89 (1993).Key words: Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, lipid peroxidation, ion exudation, pine wiltdisease, callus tissues

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