
Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) exposure system for plants was produced and its efficiency was studied. Gaseous PAN was prepared by bubbling air into dilute PAN solution which was synthesized by the method of Gaffney et al.. PAN concentration in the exposure air was controlled uniformly for 6-8 hours by changing flow rate of bubbling air, although PAN concentration in the exposure box decayed by the rate of about 0.05%/min. By refrigerating bubbler to 0°C, PAN decomposition in the solution was restrained and vaporization of solvent into the exposure air was also minimized. The effect of temperature and relative humidity on PAN stability in the exposure box was also investigated. PAN concentration in the box was analyzed by electron capture detection gas chromatograph (ECD-GC), of which traceability was established by way of calibration by long path Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR).

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