
渤海海域冰边缘区是人类经济活动密集的区域。随全球气候变暖,冰边缘区范围扩大,区域内动力学特性更为复杂,这就对冰边缘区海冰条件和波浪条件的预测提出了更高的要求。海冰在波浪作用下的断裂是形成冰边缘区海冰形态的主要过程,本文即对波浪作用下海冰断裂特性的研究进展进行了综述。按照研究方法的不同,本文分别讨论了现场测试、模型试验和数值模拟工作的研究进展和存在的问题。目前,数值模拟工作的发展远超现场测试和模型试验,缺少基础性测试数据的支撑。在今后的研究当中,应大量开展基础性测试工作,完整解析波浪作用下海冰的断裂机理。 The marginal ice zone in Bohai Sea is the area where human economic activities concentrate. The marginal ice zone is extending with global climate warming, and the dynamic condition in this area becomes more complex. The predictions of the ice condition and wave condition in the marginal ice zone are raised more requirements. The sea ice fracture by the wave is the main process that the sea ice shape forms in the marginal ice zone. The review of the research on the sea ice fracture characteristics by the wave was performed. According to different research methods, the research progress and problems existing of the in-situ test, the model test, and the numerical simulation were discussed. At present, the numerical simulation development exceeded the in-situ test and the model test one, so the numerical simulation was lack of the support of the basic test data. In future, more basic tests need to be progressed to analyze the sea ice fracture mechanism by the wave.

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