
本文利用嵌套网格空气质量模式系统(NAQPMS),模拟了2011年3月份河南的一个污染个例,并采用质量追踪法定量研究了外部排放源输送和河南本地源对河南空气质量的影响。结果表明,模式系统可以较为合理的模拟出污染情况和输送过程;污染物的输送随着天气条件的不同变化显著;一次污染物和二次污染物的传输情况也不尽相同。模拟期间河南地区对郑州PM2.5的平均贡献率为82%,对SO2和NOx的平均贡献率分别为78%和82%。在重污染日,由于东南风的影响,外部地区对郑州PM2.5的贡献率达到53%;而在同段时间外部地区对SO2和NOx的贡献率分别为29%和24%。 This paper uses the nested air quality prediction modeling system (NAQPMS) to simulate a pollution case in March 2011 and estimates the contribution ratio from other different regions with a tagged method of mass trajectory. The results show that the model can well represent the pollution process and transportation of the regions. The pollut-ants transportation varies dramatically from different weather conditions. The transportation of primary pollutants and secondary pollutants is also different. During the simulation the average contribution rate of Henan to Zhengzhou PM2.5 was 82%, while the average contribution rate of SO2 and NOx were 78% and 82% respectively. In heavy pollution days, because of the influence of the southeast wind, the contribution ratio to PM2.5 from other regions could reach 53%. For SO2 and NOx, the contribution ratio was 29% and 24%.

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