
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 候鸟类型国家级自然保护区保护成效评估指标体系构建与案例研究 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201403260563 作者: 作者单位: 1中南林业科技大学野生动植物保护研究所,1中南林业科技大学野生动植物保护研究所,1中南林业科技大学,1中南林业科技大学野生动植物保护研究所,1中南林业科技大学野生动植物保护研究所,2湖南东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区管理局,3青海湖国家级自然保护区管理局;,4中国环境科学研究院,4 中国环境科学研究院 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 环保公益项目科研专项(201209028);国家自然科学基金项目(31472021,31071946);湖南省重点学科建设项目(CSUFT-2013001) Construction of an indicator system and a case study of protection efficacy evaluation of China's national nature reserves for migratory birds Author: Affiliation: 1Institute of Wildlife Conservation,Central South University of Forestry and Technology;Hunan,,1Institute of Wildlife Conservation,Central South University of Forestry and Technology;Hunan,,Central South University of Forestry and Technology;Hunan,,1Institute of Wildlife Conservation,Central South University of Forestry and Technology;Hunan,,1Institute of Wildlife Conservation,Central South University of Forestry and Technology;Hunan,,Hunan East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve administration;Hunan,China,Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve administration;Qinghai,China,, Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:建立自然保护区是对生物多样性及其生境最直接、最有效的保护措施,构建一套科学、完整的国家级自然保护区保护成效评估指标体系,对促进国家级自然保护区的有效管理和宏观决策具有重要的意义。截止2014年3月,我国已建立407个国家级自然保护区,其中野生动物类型105个。尽管国家已投入大量的人力、物力和财力,但目前仍不清楚这些国家级自然保护区的保护成效如何,故很有必要对国家级自然保护区保护成效开展评估。基于保护目标物种,以10a为时间尺度,采用集成分析法、专家咨询法和示范研究法,率先构建了我国候鸟类型国家级自然保护区(第一保护对象为候鸟的野生动物类型国家级自然保护区)保护成效评估框架和指标体系,并用层次分析法(AHP)法对指标进行赋分。评估框架包含1个目标层、2个系统层(生态有效性评估,分值占60%;管理有效性评估,分值占40%)、9个因素层、36个指标层,另增加人为影响赋分区(-12分-+8分)。其中,生态有效性评估包含代表性、适宜性、稀有性、多样性、完整性共5个因素层及15个指标层;管理有效性评估包含管理对象、管理行动、管理保障、管理效果共4个因素层及21个指标层。为进一步验证与完善评估指标体系的科学性和可操作性,我们以青海湖国家级自然保护区和湖南东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区为案例进行了研究。结果表明:该评估指标体系具有良好的科学性和可操作性。近10年,青海湖国家级自然保护区在针对保护目标物种种群动态与生境的科研监测、宣传教育、野外巡护、社区共管方面的保护成效较好,但快速发展的生态旅游对候鸟的活动造成了一定的影响,建议加强生态旅游管理;湖南东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区在针对候鸟的宣传教育、野外巡护方面的保护成效较好,但土地管理权属的混乱使候鸟的生境遭到一定的破坏,建议进一步争取土地所有权和落实管理权,并通过发展生态旅游来提高当地居民收入,达到减少人为影响与恢复候鸟生境的目的。 Abstract:The most direct and effective way of protecting biodiversity and their habitats is to establish nature reserves. It has become critically important to establish a comprehensive scientific evaluation index system to assess protection efficacy and promote effective management of China's national nature reserves. Currently, a large number of nature reserves or protected areas have been established worldwide. However, human disturbance and invasion by alien species and other detrimental factors have undermined the ecological benefits of these original habitats. For example, migratory birds still face destruction of their breeding sites, loss of their wintering and stopover sites, and poaching of their non-breeding sites. As of March 2014, 105 national nature reserves specifically for wildlife had been established in China out of a total of 407 national nature reserves. Of these wildlife nature reserves, 22 are designated for migratory birds as the first target of protection through the provision of various kinds of food, habitat, and breeding sites for these birds. Although the Chinese Government has invested a lot of manpower, material, and financial resources in national reserves, their protection efficacy remains unclear. It is, therefore, critical at this juncture to evaluate the protection efficacy of China's national nature reserves for migratory birds to assess their achievements and identify problems, improve effective management effectiveness and biodiversity conservation, and take macroscopic decisions. Different scales of time and space lead to different evaluation results of protection efficacy. We used three methods: integrated analysis, expert consultation, and a case study to develop the first indicator system for evaluating protection efficacy of national nature reserves for migratory birds over the past ten years. The indicator system included one target layer, two system layers (evaluation of conservation effectiveness with a 60% score, and evaluation of management effectiveness with a 40% score), nine factor layers, thirty-six index layers, and seven assigned indexes of anthropogenic influence (-12 points to +8 points). Factor layers of the evaluation of conservation effectiveness included representativeness, suitability, rarity, diversity, and integrity. Factor layers of the evaluation of management effectiveness included management objects, actions, security, and effectiveness. Among the index layers, the number of target species, habitats, water, shelter environments, food resources, routine patrols, environmental quality, and human activities were the focus areas of the indicator system for evaluating protection efficacy. To verify and perfect the evaluation index system, we carried out a case study of the Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve (QLNNR) and the Hunan East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve (EDLNNR). The results showed that the evaluation index system demonstrated good scientificity and operability. QLNNR has performed very well in terms of target species monitoring, publicity and education, field patrol, and co-management. However, ecotourism has had some impacts on the activities of migratory birds, so management in this area requires strengthening. EDLNNR has been successful in the areas of publicity and education and field patrol. However, a lack of clarity about land ownership has resulted in a series of adverse consequences. There is, therefore, a need to strive for clarity in terms of land ownership, establishing effective management, and developing ecotourism to improve residents' incomes, and reduce anthropogenic influences to restore the habitats of migratory birds. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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