
Numbers of bird species were counted in four Japanese gardens at Chiran town, Kagoshima Prefecture, from December 1992 to December 1993 every four weeks. The conditions of the place where birds came flying werestudied. Total number of bird species discovered in the gardens were twenty one. Among the birds, following eight species abounded in the gardens; Passer montanus, Hypsipetes amaurotis, Zosterops japonica, Emberiza spodocephala, Parus major, Cettia diphone, Turdus pallidus and Dendrocopos kizuki. Structures and set of conditions in the garden chosen by birds depended on bird species. H. amaurotis and Z. japonica mainly chose the surface of the tree crown of Camellia japonica with nectar-bearing flowers for feeding. E.spodocephala, C. diphone and T. pallidus chose the structures inner hedge and pollarded shrubs which were not crowded by leaves and stems for resting. P. major and D. kizuki chose the one standing high trees for feeding insects and resting. All species did not choose narrow spaces crowded by leaves and stems, such as Rhododendron indicum pollard

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