
本文针对移动通信系统、射频识别系统、超宽带系统、移动数字电视系统对天线的性能要求,创造性的将蝶形仿生天线与希尔伯特分形阵列相结合,设计了一款高兼容性分形阵列仿生天线,制作了天线样品并测试了天线的辐射特性。测试结果表明,该款天线完全覆盖了第二代至第五代移动通信所有工作频段、射频识别系统频段、超宽带系统频段和移动数字电视系统频段。使用该天线的智能终端将兼具手机通信、射频卡读写、超宽带传输和移动数字电视等多种功能,该天线有较大的应用潜力。 According to the requirements of the mobile communication system, radio frequency identifica-tion system, ultra wideband system and the mobile digital TV system to the antenna’s perfor-mance, the present paper originally combined butterfly shaped bionic antenna and Hilbert fractal array, designed a high compatibility fractal array bionic antenna, fabricated the antenna sample and tested the radiation characteristics of the antenna. The result of test indicate that this antenna completely covered all working frequency bands of the second generation to the fifth generation mobile communication, the frequency bands of the radio frequency identification system, the frequency band of ultra wideband system, and the frequency band of the mobile digital TV system. The smart terminal using this antenna will have many functions, such as mobile communication, radio frequency card read and write, ultra wideband transmission, mobile digital TV and so on, and this antenna has great potential for application.

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