
To study the mechanism of electrodeposition of aluminum from the hydride bath, the present experiment was carried out, and the result was as follows:1. The most suitable composition for obtaining the best deposition was as follows.AlCl3 2-3M/l LiH 0.5-1.0M/l in etherDK=5-40mA/cm2 at room temperature2. The conductivity of the ether solution of AlCl3, LiH, LiAlH4, LiCl, NaH or their mixture was measured, and it was found that the conductivity of the solution containing AlCl3 was greater than others, and NaH decreased the conductivity of AlCl3 solution, from which it might be concluded that AlCl3+LiH, LiCl or LiAlH4 would produce complex ions in ether.3. The electrodeposition overpotential was measured by the commutator method, and it was found that a Tafel equation held well in the bath from which electrodeposition of aluminum could be obtained, and that the rate-determinant was three electron reactions.From the above, it was supposed that for obtaining the electrodeposition of aluminum, a complex ion containing Al3+ of relatively small stability constant must exist in the bath, and Al3+ produced from this complexion would be discharged at the cathode.

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