
Summary o 1. Myocarditis, acute or chronic, arranged diffusely, or in localized areas as Aschoff nodules or abscesses, is a common condition in the myocardium in acute and recurrent rheumatic endocarditis, in subacute bacterial endocarditis, and in old valve defects. 2. The peri-arterial scars appear to be the result of a previous bacterial infection and are frequently found in the myocardium in cases of subacute bacterial endocarditis and old valve defects. 3. Proliferative or exudative inflammation is rare in the myocardium in cases of syphilitic aortitis. 4. Scars resulting from atrophy of muscle with replacement by connective tissue following a narrowing of coronary arteries seldom occur except in the myocardium in cases of hypertension and coronary sclerosis. 5. The extent of myocardial injury as shown by anatomical changes rarely appears to be sufficient to bring about cardiac failure. 6. The conditions usually diagnosed acute or chronic myocarditis clinically cannot be demonstrated to be inflammatory processes and in most cases anatomical injuries are not seen. 7. So-called myocarditis is usually a condition of the myocardium, probably fatigue, which is not manifested anatomically.

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