
ISRAEL is country whose ciiizens are musically aware. Music penneates all phases of human activity in Israel and has become necessary part of the life of the Israeli.l The country has large number of musical amateurs as direct result of the programs of music education. Amateur chamber groups, folk orchestras, choirs, study groups, and music circles have become commonplace. To use the words of the late conductor, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Israel has become a paradise for musicians.2 Israel's music educators need not fear that they are teaching in vacuum. The country's musical culture outside the classroom has fostered continued interest in music within the classroom. Yet, music educatiort in Israel, like Israel's general education, is in constant flux. Rapid population growth, due mainly to increased immigzation after World War II, and the reslllting lack of qualified teachers, have hampered the country's progress in music education. Nevertheless, music educators share in the idealistic traditions of Israel. They see in music potent force in developing the future citizen, as well as developing new land with high cultural and musical standards. How this works can best be seen in an analysis of music education in Israel's primary schools. The investigator sought to collect data on the present state of music education in the primary schools, and to find out the extent to which music education in the primary schools influenced the musical life of Israel. Through analyzing the objectives and organization of the program, the curriculum, current practices, materials, and problems, the investigator hoped to add to the growing literature of studies on music education of other countries of the world.

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