
The rates of the muon capture reactions: µ+23He→13+v, µ−+36Li→26He+v, µ−+612C→512B+v, with the daughter nuclei formed in their ground states, are calculated assuming ≪ universality ≫ between muon-bare nucleon and electron-bare nucleon coupling constants. The ≪ induced ≫ pseudoscalar interaction and the additional terms arising from the assumption of a ≪ conserved vector current ≫ are included in the muon-nucleon effective Hamiltonian. The ratios of the nuclear matrix elements for the muon captures and for the corresponding s-decays are first estimated in an approximately ≪ model independent ≫ fashion using appropriate nuclear proton density distribution functions and then evaluated in more detail on the basis of variational trial wave functions for23He,13H, and of LS coupling andjj coupling shell model wave functions (with configuration mixing) for36Li,26He, and612C,512B, respectively. The calculated capture rate for µ−+612C →512B+v is in agreement with experiment — experiments however are not yet available in the other two cases.

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