
KUD Plongkowati Timur is located at Jalan Godong-Karangrayung, Grobogan Regency, which apart from operating in the savings and loan business unit, is also a distributor of fertilizer products produced by PT. Petrokima Gresik and PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang. In running the fertilizer distributor business unit at KUD Plongkowati Timur, the process of recording purchase and sales transactions is not carried out using an integrated system in the database, all data is still recorded conventionally by the administration section, while the administration section's computer functions to create reports which are copied from notes provided by cashier so that data security is not guaranteed because the database is not yet integrated. Based on the problems that exist in the East Plongkowati KUD, the author would like to propose a design for a Fertilizer Inventory application system to be taken into consideration in helping speed up the process of recording purchase and sales transactions and can provide the information needed by the East Plongkowati KUD, Grobogan Regency in the form of purchase reports, sales reports, reports. suppliers, customer reports. So the design of the fertilizer inventory information system uses the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 programming language with a database from Microsoft Access 2007 and the design of reports from Crystal Report 7. It is hoped that making this application can be one of the efforts that can be made to overcome problems that often occur so that it can increase work effectiveness which of course will have an impact on improving the quality of service to customers.

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