
Simone Borelli leads the Forestry Division at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO-ONU). He is one of the creators of the Tree Cities of the World Program and was invited to a conference at the “Congresso Brasileiro e Ibero-Americano de Arborização Urbana. Urban Forestry in the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration”, in sept-oct 2021. This event took place at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, and was promoted by the Graduate Program in Natural Resources (PGRN_UFMS), in partnership with the Graduate Program in Local Development, from the Catholic University D. Bosco (PGDL_UCDB) and the Brazilian Society of Urban Forestry (SBAU), the Brazil Chapter of International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). The interview was conducted after the event ended and reflects its commitment to the theme of green infrastructure and community involvement.

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