
To define the role of artemin in sympathetic neurone development, we have studied the effect of artemin on the generation, survival and growth of sympathetic neurones in low-density dissociated cultures of mouse cervical and thoracic paravertebral sympathetic ganglia at stages throughout embryonic and postnatal development. Artemin promoted the proliferation of sympathetic neuroblasts and increased the generation of new neurones in cultures established from E12 to E14 ganglia. Artemin also exerted a transient survival-promoting action on newly generated neurones during these early stages of development. Between E16 and P8, artemin exerted no effect on survival, but by P12, as sympathetic neurones begin to acquire neurotrophic factor independent survival, artemin once again enhanced survival, and by P20 it promoted survival as effectively as nerve growth factor (NGF). During this late period of development, artemin also enhanced the growth of neurites from cultured neurones more effectively than NGF. Confirming the physiological relevance of the mitogenic action of artemin on cultured neuroblasts, there was a marked reduction in the rate of neuroblast proliferation in the sympathetic ganglia of mice lacking the GFRalpha3 subunit of the artemin receptor. These results indicate that artemin exerts several distinct effects on the generation, survival and growth of sympathetic neurones at different stages of development.

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