
This paper examines the multiple cracking behavior of unidirectional and cross‐ply ceramic matrix composites. For unidirectional composites, a model of concentric cylinders with finite crack spacing and debonding length is introduced. Stresses in the fiber and matrix are found and then applied to predict the composite moduli. Using an energy balance method, critical stresses for matrix cracking initiation are predicted. Effects of interfacial shear stress, debonding length and bonding energy on the critical stress are studied. All the three composite systems examined show that the critical stress for the completely debonded case is lower than that for the perfectly bonded case. For cross‐ply composites, an extensive study has been made for the transverse cracking in 90° plies and the matrix cracking in 0° plies. One transverse cracking and four matrix cracking modes are studied, and closed‐form solutions of the critical stresses are obtained. The results indicate that the case of combined matrix and transverse crackings with associated fiber/matrix interfacial sliding in the 0° plies gives the lowest critical stress for matrix cracking. The theoretical predictions are compared with experimental data of SiC/CAS cross‐ply composites; both results demonstrated that an increase in the transverse ply thickness reduces the critical stress for matrix cracking in the longitudinal plies. The effects of fiber volume fraction and fiber modulus on the critical stress have been quantified. Thermal residual stresses are included in the analysis.

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