
PREVIOUSLYHEALTHY22-YEAR-OLDMANWAS referredtoourinstitutionbyanotherhospitalbecauseofhighfever,drowsiness,and multiplering-enhancinglesionsonbrain computedtomography(CT).Medicalhistory was unremarkable, except for a tongue piercing the patienthadgotten2weeksearlier.Onhospitaladmission, globalaphasiaandrighthemiplegiawerefound.Histemperaturewas39°C,andhiswhitebloodcellcountshowed leukocytosis with a left shift. The patient was given empiricalantibiotictreatment.Magneticresonanceimaging of the brain revealed 13 ring enhancement lesions with surroundingedema,withfocalbleedinginsomeofthem (Figure). Results of an extensive clinical and laboratory workup, including abdominal CT, transesophageal echocardiography, immunoelectrophoresis, complement levels, antinuclear antibody test, human immunodeficiency virus test, and sweat test for cystic fibrosis, were negative, whilechestCTshowedlocalbronchiectasesontheleftlower lobe.Biopsyaspirationfromoneofthebrainlesionsrevealed

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