
The relationships between strains of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (P. sav. phaseolicola), P. syringae pv. tabaci (P. syr. tabaci) and P. syr. syringae which all cause disease on bean; the related species P. sav. glycinea and P. syr. actinidiae, and reference bacteria, were evaluated by studying the phenotypic and genetic diversity of a collection of 62 strains. All the P. sav. phaseolicola strains tested produced characteristic watersoaked lesions on bean pods. Other pathovars produced varying combinations of symptoms including necrotic lesions, with or without watersoaked centres and sunken tissue collapse of the lesion (P. syr. tabaci) and necrotic lesions with or without sunken collapse (P. syr. syringae). At the genomospecies level, all the strains of P. sav. phaseolicola, P. sav. glycinea and P. syr. tabaci, belonging to genomospecies 2, could be separated from P. syr. syringae strains (genomospecies 1) and P. syr. actinidiae strains (unknown genomospecies) by BOX-PCR and DNA/DNA hybridisation. To distinguish P. sav. phaseolicola, within genomospecies 2, from P. sav. glycinea and P. syr. tabaci, it was necessary to perform nutritional characterisations myo-inositol negative and p-hydroxy benzoate positive for P. sav. phaseolicola strains), PCR with specific primers designed from the tox region (positive for all of the P. sav. phaseolicola strains) and serotyping, as 71% of the P. sav. phaseolicola strains reacted as O-serogroup PHA1. Important intrapathovar variation was seen by genomic fingerprinting with REP and ERIC primers, as well as with RAPD primers (AE7 and AE10) and esterase profilings. While RAPD fingerprinting detected variability correlated with two race-associated evolutionary lines, REP, ERIC and esterase profiles revealed intrapathovar variation linked to some host origins, that separated the kudzu isolates, and the mungbean isolates, from the other P. sav. phaseolicola strains.

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