
One of the most promising next-generation energy conversion technologies is the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), which is more efficient and less polluting than conventional internal combustion engines (ICEs). However, in order to commercially compete with ICEs, SOFCs must be cost-competitive and operation-reliable. To achieve this goal, lowering the operating temperature of a SOFC from the current 700-1000oC to ≤ 600oC is vitally important. The realization of such intermediate-temperature SOFCs (IT-SOFCs) depends critically upon the availability of high-conductivity electrolytes and high-activity electrode catalysts. In recent years, significant progress has been made in the area of cathode catalysts through new material discovery and microstructural optimization, which has demonstrated a polarization resistance (area-specific resistance) as low as 0.1 W×cm2 even at 500oC. 1 2 In contrast, the development of high-conductivity oxide-ion conductors significantly lags behind that of IT-SOFC cathodes. Therefore, identification of new IT solid-state fast oxide-ion conductors is in high demand. A practical criterion for an electrolyte to be suitable for an IT-SOFC is its oxide-ion conductivity so ≥0.01 S/cm at an operating temperature < 600oC. None of the existing chemically stable oxide-ion conductors can satisfy this requirement at a temperature ≤500oC. Recently, the Goodenough group at the University of Texas at Austin discovered a new class of oxide-ion conductors that can meet this conductivity-temperature requirement. These new oxide-ion conductors have a generic formula Sr3-3xNa3xSi3O9-1.5x (or SNS hereinafter) and layered structure as shown in Fig.1 (a). 3 4 The oxide-ion conductivity of SNS is so»0.01 S/cm at 500oC, Fig.1 (b), the highest among all known chemically stable oxide-ion conductors. More importantly, it is stable over a broad pO2 range of approximately from 10-30 to 1 atm and an extended lifetime, making it an ideal electrolyte for IT-SOFCs. 5 Despite the exciting discovery of this superior ion conductor, so far very little is known about the transport mechanisms governing the high oxide-ion conductivity in the SNS. This study investigates the origin of high oxide-ion conductivity by probing the local structure and dynamics of ionic motion with high-temperature multinuclear (17O, 23Na, and 29Si) solid-state NMR techniques. It reveals the inhomegeneity of chemical phases in this electrolyte. The increased level of Na-doping has led to increased degree of amorphorization in structure, which may be correlated to the enhancement in ionic conductivity. The foundational knowledge gained from this research may have significant impact on understanding the critical structure-conductivity relationship and designing new solid-state fast ion conductors for advanced electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems. References (1) Liang, F. L.; Zhou, W.; Li, J.; Zhu, Z. H.: Microwave-plasma induced reconstruction of silver catalysts for highly efficient oxygen reduction. J Mater Chem A 2013, 1, 13746-13749. (2) Zhu, Y. L.; Chen, Z. G.; Zhou, W.; Jiang, S. S.; Zou, J.; Shao, Z. P.: An A-Site-Deficient Perovskite offers High Activity and Stability for Low-Temperature Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells. Chemsuschem 2013, 6, 2249-2254. (3) Singh, P.; Goodenough, J. B.: Monoclinic Sr1-xNaxSiO3-0.5x: New Superior Oxide Ion Electrolytes. J Am Chem Soc 2013, 135, 10149-10154. (4) Singh, P.; Goodenough, J. B.: Sr1-xKxSi1-yGeyO3-0.5x: a new family of superior oxide-ion conductors. Energ Environ Sci 2012, 5, 9626-9631. (5) Wei, T.; Singh, P.; Gong, Y. H.; Goodenough, J. B.; Huang, Y. H.; Huang, K.: Sr3-3xNa3xSi3O9-1.5x (x=0.45) as a superior solid oxide-ion electrolyte for intermediate temperature-solid oxide fuel cells. Energ Environ Sci 2014, 7, 1680-1684.

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