
By sequentially pushing micro-beads towards and away from a sensing surface, we show that ultrasonic radiation forces can be used to enhance the interaction between a functionalized glass surface and polystyrene micro-beads, and distinguish those that bind to the surface, ultimately by using an integrated optical waveguide implanted in the reflector to facilitate optical detection. The movement towards and immobilization of streptavidin coated beads onto a biotin functionalized waveguide surface is achieved by using a quarter-wavelength mode pushing beads onto the surface, while the removal of non-specifically bound beads uses a second quarter-wavelength mode which exhibits a kinetic energy maxima at the boundary between the carrier layer and fluid, drawing beads towards this surface. This has been achieved using a multi-modal acoustic device which exhibits both these quarter-wavelength resonances. Both 1-D acoustic modeling and finite element analysis has been used to design this device and investigate the spatial uniformity of the field.We demonstrate experimentally that 90% of specifically bound beads remain attached after applying ultrasound, with 80% of non-specifically bound control beads being successfully removed acoustically. This approach overcomes problems associated with lengthy sedimentation processes used for bead-based bioassays and surface (electrostatic) forces, which delay or prevent immobilization. We explain the potential of this technique in the development of DNA and protein assays in terms of detection speed and multiplexing.

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