
It has recently been reported that aluminum plays a very important role in reducing the activity of Krebs-cycle enzymes and glutamate dehydrogenase in rat brain homogenate. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the aluminum binding ability with the pivotal substrate alpha-ketoglutarate in biological systems. The interactions of aluminum with alpha-ketoglutarate were studied with pH-potentiometry, cyclic voltammetry, UV-vis, 1H, 27Al-NMR and Raman spectra multi-analytical techniques in acidic aqueous solution to measure the stoichiometries and stability constants of the complexes and its keto-enol tautomerism. The alpha-ketoglutarate was found to bind Al in a bidentate manner at the carboxylate and carbonyl moieties. The mononuclear 1:1 (AlLH(-1), AIL+, AlHL2+) and 2:1 (AlL2-, AlL2H(-2)3-) species, and dinuclear 2:1 (Al2L4+) species were found in acidic aqueous solution. Meanwhile, Al can promote alpha-KG tautomerize to its enolic-structure compounds in solutions. These findings may help to further understand the influence of Al on GDH enzyme reactions in biological systems.

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