
Aim of study: To reveal the most important factors affecting the administrative and organizational structure in Türkiye's forestry and their effects with a multidimensional approach.
 Area of study: Nine provinces of Türkiye (İstanbul, İzmir, Antalya, Adana, Bolu, Trabzon, Erzurum, Şanlıurfa, and Ankara), which represent nine geographic regions, where forestry activities are intensive.
 Material and methods: Through the consideration of the literature review and expert opinions, 29 variables affecting the organizational and managerial structure were developed. These variables were grouped under six main headings, and questionnaire forms were prepared accordingly. They were applied to 463 technical and managerial staff in the forestry organizations with the face-to-face interview method. To evaluate the data, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, and the Kruskal-Wallis H Test were used.
 Main results: The most important factors affecting the organizational and managerial structure were found to be (i) working conditions and job satisfaction, (ii) educational level of employees, (iii) technical and managerial competence, and (iv) solidarity and institutional support. Approximately 67% of the managerial and organizational structure of Türkiye’s forestry was explained by these four factors. The differences in the views of the interviewees in terms of working conditions and job satisfaction, educational level, technical and managerial competence, and solidarity and institutional support factors were determined according to some task variables.
 Research highlights: Enabling employees in managerial positions to have postgraduate education and to apply their knowledge and experience is effective in increasing job satisfaction, managerial competence, participation in managerial decisions, and thus sustainable forestry.

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