
At the T(d, n)He4 reaction a neutron is accompanied by an associated alpha-particle emitted in the opposite direction. A time and a direction of the neutron escape can be determined by measuring a time and coordinates of the alpha particle at the position-sensitive alpha-detector. The nanosecond tagged neutron technology (NTNT) based on this principle has great potentialities for various applications, e.g., for remote detection of explosives. A spectrum of gamma-rays emitted at the interaction of tagged neutrons with nuclei of chemical elements allows identify a chemical composition of an irradiated object. For practical realization of NTNT, a time resolution of recording the alpha-gamma coincidences should be close to 1 ns. The total intensity of signals can exceed 1 × 106 1/s from all gamma-detectors and 7 × 106 1/s from the alpha-detector. The processing of such stream of data without losses and distortion of information is one of challenging problems of NTNT. Several models of analog DAQ system based on hardware selection of events were devised and their characteristics are examined. The comparison with the digital DAQ systems demonstrated that the analog DAQ provides better timing parameters, lower power consumption, and higher maximum rate of useful events.

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