
The evolution in technology drives changes across a variety of market types and they require companies to take an innovative approach, whether it is about creating new products, services and processes, or optimizing existing products, services, and processes. Innovations in the insurance market are related to innovations in services and, in relation to the own concept of services, those are intangible and therefore they are measurement difficult. There is no standard in the evaluation of service innovation, especially in the insurance market. This gap was identified through bibliographic research realized on academic bases. With the objective of using a decision support methodology in the selection of innovative projects, the present study used the Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) concepts, through the Multi-Attribute Value Theory (MAVT), in the selection of innovation projects in the Brazilian insurance market. Those are projects being considered for the Antonio Carlos Almeida Braga Prize for Innovation in Insurance, awarded by the National Confederation of General Insurance Companies, Private Pension and Life, Supplementary Health and Capitalization (CNSEG). The concepts of MCDA, with the presentation of a method for structuring problems, were discussed and, in the sequence, the multi-attribute value function was elaborated for this case study and applied to the innovation projects enrolled in the Prize, with the objective of providing support to the decision-making process.

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