
Identification of groundwater recharge zones in an area is important to properly utilize and safeguard the groundwater resources. The objective of this study is to delineate the groundwater potential zones in the Chinnar River basin of Perambalur district, southern India, using remote sensing and GIS methods. Toposheets and satellite imageries were used to prepare various thematic maps such as geology, soil, drainage density, slope, lineament density, geomorphology, and land use. These data were combined with the weighted overlay method to demarcate the groundwater potential zones. Multi-influencing factor (MIF) method was used to derive the weights for the seven layers, and ranks were assigned to the features within the layers based on local knowledge and from literature. The study suggests that the geology, slope, land use, and geomorphology features play a major role in determining the availability of groundwater in the study area. The groundwater potential was high in 54%, medium in 21%, and low in 25% of the study area. The groundwater level fluctuation that varies based on the rainfall and different rock types was used to validate the groundwater potential map. Areas with high groundwater potential had the lowest groundwater fluctuation compared with the medium and low groundwater potential areas. Sensitivity analysis showed that excluding the land use and geomorphology features will have the highest impact on identifying the groundwater potential zones. Determination of effective weights indicated that land use, geomorphology, and slope have higher weights than the assigned weights. The results show that the delineated groundwater potential zones can be used in the future for groundwater resource management in the study area.

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