
Through the introduction of newly invented high-performance gradient systems to MRI, which enable for echoplanar imaging (EPI), also magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) has gained an entirely new field of applications and techniques. Ultrafast imaging techniques in MRA allow the investigation of larger vascular areas within a single breath-hold-period. Artifacts like motion induced signal misregistrations, dephasing or saturation of the vascular signal are minimized by extremely short echo times. The technique thus requires the intravenous application of a contrast media bolus, usually a gadolinium compound, which is in standard clinical use. Coordination of the bolus injection and the timing of the data acquisition is crucial for optimal results. The first pass evaluation of the contrast media resembles CTA to a certain extend. Due to the fast measurement and the high contrast in contrast-enhanced MRA (CE-MRA) new applications and indications are developed like MRA of the pulmonary vessels. The paper offers considerations and trials for optimization of thoracical CE-MRA. Besides parameter constellation also bolus-optimization is described with respect to the dedicated anatomical premises. Investigations on volunteers and on patients build a basis for suggestions of optimized CE-MRA procedures. To date, a final estimation of the clinical value of the new technique cannot be given since ongoing improvements change the optimal protocol frequently and the potential of further developments is high.

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