
MOZ-TIF2 and MOZ-CBP are leukemogenic fusion proteins associated with therapy-induced acute myeloid leukemia. These proteins are thought to subvert normal gene expression in differentiating hematopoietic progenitor cells. We have previously shown that MOZ-TIF2 inhibits transcription by CREB-binding protein (CBP)/p300-dependent activators such as nuclear receptors and p53. Here we have shown that MOZ-TIF2 associates with the RARbeta2 promoter in vivo, resulting in altered recruitment of CBP/p300, aberrant histone modification, and down-regulation of the RARbeta2 gene. In contrast, MOZ-TIF2 up-regulated transcription mediated by the MOZ/MYST3-dependent activator AML1/RUNX1. Both wild type MOZ and MOZ-TIF2 were found to colocalize with AML1, and MOZ-TIF2 was recruited to an AML1 target promoter. A MOZ-CBP fusion protein showed similar functions to MOZ-TIF2 in that it inhibited retinoic acid receptor-mediated transcription but enhanced AML1 reporter activation. Although it contains almost the entire CBP sequence, MOZ-CBP does not appear to associate with PML bodies. In summary, our results indicate that leukemogenic MOZ fusion proteins have differential effects on the activities of CBP-dependent and MOZ-dependent activators because of their ability to alter cofactor recruitment and chromatin modification at target promoters.

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