
The study aimed at accessing the effects of mowing on the growth and cadmium (Cd) accumulation of the first post-grafting generation of potential Cd-hyperaccumulator plant Solanum photeinocarpum through the pot and plot experiments. Four grafting treatments were employed such as ungrafted (UG), self-rooted grafting by the same S. photeinocarpum seedling (SG), self-rooted grafting by two different development stages of S. photeinocarpum seedlings (DG), and grafting on the rootstock of wild potato (PG). The biomass, Cd content, and Cd extraction amount of S. photeinocarpum shoots significantly decreased with the increase of mowing times in the pot and plot experiments. The order of the grafting on the biomass, Cd content, and Cd extraction amountof in the first, second, third mowing shoots were PG > DG > SG > UG. For the Cd extraction amountof total moving shoots, SG, DG, and PG increased by 20.42%, 35.54%, and 52.94%, respectively, in the pot experiment, and increased by 11.56%, 26.28%, and 44.90%, respectively, in the plot experiment, compared with the UG. Therefore, mowing provides an insight into the phytoremediation ability of S. photeinocarpum to Cd.

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