
Education, Paulo Freire, one of the greatest thinkers in global pedagogy, to be viewed unfavorably by a significant portion of Brazilians. It is necessary, then, to comprehend how reactionary movements are currently forming and how they influence the attack on Freirean thinking. We analyze the intersections between reactionary movements, Paulo Freire, and the "Escola Sem Partido" (School Without Party) movement, which gained significant prominence in 2015 when its first bill was proposed in the National Congress. In the analysis of the bills that deal with the removal of Paulo Freire as the patron of Brazilian education, we observe the repeated use of the argument that Freire is to blame for the low quality of Brazilian education. Additionally, there is a production of discourse asserting that Freire is a left-wing indoctrinator who uses his theory to propagate his political views, as well as claims that he encourages disorder and insubordination. In this way, the attacks against Freire fall within a political opposition, in which these conservative and neo-fascist movements serve neoliberalism and seek to limit the content taught in Brazilian schools, using Freire as a starting point to undermine his work and the model of critical and progressive education that he represents.

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