
Models of fast melt metal layer movement and droplet erosion are presented for tokamak plasma disruption and their modeling on plasma accelerators. Plasma flow with pressure P > 1 atm parallel to surface was shown to be reason of fast melt metal movement and droplet erosion. Pressure of plasma wind compresses the wave and steep wave moves with speed up to v ~ 10 m/s. Capillary waves on the wave crests initiate emission of droplets with size of the order of wave length magnitude (30—60 m). On the periphery of exposed region the capillary waves result in wave crests transformation into streams which can move under its own inertia the distance ~1 cm. Besides the large scale droplets emission small droplets ~1 m emission is possible due to blow away the tops of waves crest by plasma wind. Small droplets give also a contribution into material erosion. The main plasma flow above the surface is the flow of secondary shielding plasma which has high density, relatively low temperature (as compare with initial plasma flow) and high pressure. Hence even if initial plasma flow has low pressure, the secondary shielding plasma can have high pressure and result in fast melt metal movement and droplet erosion.

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