
Ghrelin (GHRL) and motilin (MLN), gut peptides isolated from the mucosa of the stomach and duodenum, respectively, stimulate gastrointestinal (GI) motility in mammals and birds. However, the functions of MLN and GHRL in amphibian GI tracts have not been examined in detail. To clarify the regulation of GI motility by the two peptides, the effects of human MLN and rat GHRL on contractility of isolated GI strips from three species of frogs, the black-spotted pond frog (pond frog; Pelophylax nigromaculata), bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeiana) and Western clawed frog (Xenopus; Xenopus tropicalis), were examined in in vitro experiments. The GI tract of each frog was divided into the stomach, upper intestine, middle intestine and lower intestine. Human MLN caused contractions of the stomach in the pond frog and upper intestine in the bullfrog and Xenopus, but other GI regions were insensitive to human MLN. Erythromycin did not cause contraction of the upper intestine of the bullfrog and Xenopus. Rat GHRL did not cause contraction of the stomach and small intestines in the pond frog and bullfrog, but it caused a concentration-dependent contraction in the stomach and upper intestine of Xenopus, while des-acyl rat GHRL did not cause any contraction of them. In conclusion, human MLN caused the contraction of the stomach or upper intestine in the three species of frogs, but GHRL was effective only in the stomach and upper intestine of Xenopus. On the basis of these data, MLN but not GHRL causes the GI region-dependent contractions in the frogs.

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